The Holly Given Fund Beneficiaries

At The Holly Given Fund, our mission extends beyond our immediate impact. It's about the lives we touch and the futures we shape within the upper Florida Keys community. Our beneficiaries embody the heart of our mission, where education and support are catalysts for change. Discover the stories, journeys, and transformations that illuminate the heart of our mission. Their journeys reflect the impact we make, one life at a time.

Community Scholarships

From the proceeds of our annual fundraising event, the Fish for Holly Sailfish Tournament, we offer scholarships for career training and education to young adults in the upper Florida Keys community. We have funded associates, bachelor’s and master’s degrees, beauty school, nursing school, and captain’s licenses. Applicants must be accepted into a program and plan to give back to and work in the Florida Keys community upon completion of their training.

Scholarship Information

Domestic Abuse Shelter Of The Florida Keys

The Holly Given Fund has donated over $125,000 to the Domestic Abuse Shelter of the Florida Keys, thanks to proceeds from the Fish for Holly Sailfish Tournaments. The shelter has an office in Key Largo, a house in Key West, and a house in Marathon is being built after Hurricane Irma destroyed the previous one. The new house in Marathon will have an Outreach Suite in Holly’s name. The Shelter is currently in need of additional funding to complete the Marathon shelter.

For more information, go to

The Upper Keys Foundation

The Holly Given Fund donates annually to the Upper Keys Foundation, a non-profit organization partnered with Coral Shore High School to make athletic opportunities available to all.  Holly’s passion throughout her high school years was sports, especially softball, soccer, & volleyball. We saw it fitting to support ladies athletics at her alma mater.  The Upper Keys Foundation, through donations from the community, gives all students the opportunity to participate in sports activities during high school and, in turn, students participate in community service projects.

For more information, go to

Aid to Victims of Domestic Abuse (AVDA)

AVDA, a well-established non-profit based in the Palm Beach area, is a crucial partner in our mission. Their unwavering dedication to offering life-saving services is matched by their commitment to promoting violence-free, equitable relationships. AVDA plays a vital role in creating the necessary social changes to end domestic and dating violence, a cause that deeply resonates with us at The Holly Given Fund. Last year, our donation to AVDA was matched by another generous donor, doubling the impact of our contribution. Holly, who tragically lived in Palm Beach with her abuser, inspires us to support organizations like AVDA in her memory. Together, we strive for a world free from the shadows of domestic violence.

For more information, go to

Latest Holly Given Fund News

Expanding Opportunities: Holly Given Fund Scholarships Now Available Year-Round

We are excited to announce a significant expansion to the Holly Given Fund Scholarship Program. Beginning this year, scholarships will be available year-round to support women in the Upper Keys community as they pursue educational and career advancement opportunities.

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Announcing the 2024 Fall Scholarship Opportunity

We are excited to announce the opening of our 2024 Fall Scholarship opportunity, in partnership with The Upper Keys Business & Professional Women (BPW).

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Announcing Our 2024 Spring Scholarship Recipient, Jenny Mason

We are thrilled to announce Jenny Mason as the recipient of our 2024 Spring Scholarship, awarded through a partnership with the Upper Keys BPW.

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